Monday, January 05, 2009

Secret police

Status: Afraid
Song: Morodo: Los carros de Babylon

Today I had one of that dreams that doesn't make sense. A distressing dream. and really ridiculous. I was in the street, and a group comes to me (4 men and a woman). They tell me:

- Secret police. Are you Anahí Palacín Martínez?
- Yes, I am.
- So, yo have to collaborate with us in a mission.
- What mission? How many time will dure?
- 2 months and a half.
- Absolutely not. I can't be missing two months and a half to my class.- I try to scape, but they take hold of my arm.
- If you don't want to collaborate, we are going to arrest you.
- Can I call my parents?
- No.
- I have to advertise my parents.
- Absolutely not.

They dragged me, against my wishes, as a delinquent. Finally we arrived to a place and they closed me in a room.

- Tomorrow morning mission is going to starts.

And they closed the room with a key.

Fortunately, suddenly I awake.. So distressing.

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